3 special days to note in your business, social media posts

I think that no matter what business you’re in, or what your occupation is, the end of the year is always “crazy.”

The 800-pound gorilla in the room is the holiday shopping season; even if you aren’t in retail, it impacts both your business and personal lives. There are, however, other events to note in the coming days that you can work into your social media posts and business location to catch the attention of your audience and customers.

Back to standard time. This hits us Sunday morning! No matter what business you’re in, your employees and customers feel the impact of setting their clocks back an hour. Fortunately, we’re on the good side of the time change – we’re getting back the hour we lost last spring.

Some cleverly worded and designed posts to remind people of the change will appeal to your audience. If you’re open on Sunday, for example, warn folks not to show up at your door an hour early, because you’ll be taking advantage of the time change to sleep in an extra hour!

Election Day. Although this election cycle isn’t one of the big ones, there may be important issues on your local ballot. Reminding people of the day and encouraging them to exercise their franchise is something you can do via your social media. And, it may be the only “political” thing you can do that pleases people no matter what their personal political leanings might be.

Veteran’s Day. I think there is more awareness about veteran’s issues today than there has ever been before, at least in my lifetime. We have had men and women serving in harm’s way for so many years that I think almost everyone personally has recent veterans among their close circle of friends and relatives. Along with recent veterans, we know that we’re quickly losing the last of the WWII veterans and Vietnam veterans are pouring into their retirement years.

As with noting election day, paying homage to veterans is a patriotic gesture we can make that virtually everyone supports. I also appreciate businesses who offer discounts and other encouragements on Veteran’s Day.

With Thanksgiving and the ensuing holiday shopping season right around the corner, these smaller special dates can be easily overlooked. If you are one of the few that takes note, you can set yourself apart from the companies who only seem to be concerned about grabbing some extra holiday shopping money.