When your small business goes to the dogs…in a very good way!
I love the tag line for PSI’s Take Your Dog To Work Day®: “Because who ever heard of working like a cat?!”
PSI is Pet Sitters International and June 26 this year marks the 17th annual Take Your Dog to Work Day. The event celebrates dogs and promotes pet adoption. When you head over to the website you’ll find a downloadable action pack that gives you a ton of background, great ways to convince people of the event’s worthiness and planning tips.
If you’ve been around nursing homes, hospitals or rehab centers, you know that visits by friendly dogs is extremely therapeutic. I have to believe that the same kind of good vibes that dogs bring to folks recovering from or battling against illness would be a wonderful tonic for stressed-out small business employees.
And spending break times and lunches walking your dog around the block a few times would certainly be a lot better for your health than eating that extra bag of potato chips. It’s funny, but when we carve out time in our busy schedules to get some exercise for our dogs, we end up getting great exercise for ourselves.
If you allow your team to bring their dogs into work, you might also find that walls come down between people. Individuals who don’t get along very well often find that they share a love of their dogs. Dogs can be extremely effective ambassadors of good will in your small business.
I wouldn’t be surprised if Maxwell, my little Shih Tzu, could bring peace to the Middle East, if given the chance. I know that he brings a major dose of peace to my hectic life. I often take Maxwell – my chairman of the bone – with me in my travels and I couldn’t ask for a better companion (with apologies to my husband, George!)
As long as your small business isn’t something like a restaurant or outpatient surgical center, I urge you to participate in this year’s Take Your Dog to Work Day. Not only will the dog owners on your staff appreciate the gesture, other employees and your customers will enjoy the wagging tails and enthusiastic greetings these canine companions will bring to your workplace.
And before I leave the topic, I should mention that pet sitting and dog walking can be great businesses, especially for people who want to start a business but don’t have deep pockets for the initial funding.