Find the Best Ways to Strengthen Your Customer Relationships

The most experienced group of small business owners working today are the Baby Boomers and in Bank of America’s spring 2015 Small Business Owner Report, 71 percent said that the relationships they have developed with their customer base has given them repeat business.

That’s not a surprise, although Millennials and Gen-Xers aren’t so sure. They attribute less repeat business to the relationships they’ve developed, 47 and 53 percent respectively. Maybe their wrong in their estimates, or they have a younger, less loyal customer base.

In any case, building those relationships is a relatively inexpensive way to earn repeat business and rewarding your customers should be part of that picture. This infographic – inspired by data in the Bank of America report – lists eight ways small businesses reward their customers and if you check out the percentages attached to each, you’ll see that they are fairly equal in popularity.

Your job is to find the one that works best for you, or “mix it up” to keep things fresh.

How We Reward Great Customers-3

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