This Week in Small Business: Bring science into your marketing, Google’s cybercrime advice and more
As you go through the top small business Interweb content of the week, you’ll notice that there’s an article on neuromarketing and another one on how to use psychology in the social media. Fortunately, you don’t need to be a Harvard STEM grad to learn these lessons.
Leadership, management and productivity
Google has taken a close look at cybercrime and is offering us some advice on how to prevent it.
There are a lot of changes in store at both Facebook and Twitter. Make sure you’re up to speed and making the right tweaks in your small business.
Uh-oh. We’ve been told that the new chip credit cards are a lot more secure, but that may have been jumping to a conclusion…at least in the US.
Marketing and sales
Good blog posts perform with your audience and boost your SEO. The steps in this post lay out some great principles to follow.
Do you feel the pressure of holiday marketing on your shoulders? Here are six things you must do for success.
If you want some new ideas to boost your CTAs, check out these unconventional tips.
Maybe you need to take a psychological approach to boosting engagement in your social media marketing. If so, this article will help.
The best marketing messages are personalized marketing messages. Discover four ways to do it.
Do you blog? If so, you need this checklist.
Here’s how to understand and maximize your reach on any social network.
The desire and ability to build strong brands is often hindered by the increasing complexity of today’s marketing world. Here’s where you need to focus your efforts.
Do you have a system of categorizing and tagging your WordPress blogs? You need to get on top of it.
Here are seven opportunities in social media marketing that you’ll miss out on if you don’t know your audience.
Good news! You don’t have to be a brain surgeon to take advantage of neuromarketing in your small business.
Entrepreneurship, startups and innovation
If you’re really serious about your next startup, you might want to locate in a state that is very friendly to entrepreneurs.
Some startups get overwhelmed with feedback. Here’s how Slack dealt with it.
What’s your opinion? Will the web like Facebook’s new emojis?
Politics, government and the economy
In September the National Federation of Independent Business (NFIB) small business optimism index ticked up ever so slightly. The survey also revealed that good hires are hard to find.