This Week in Small Business: CTAs, APRs, and much more

news you can use

Improve your calls to action, make debt work for you, and plot out your startup strategy step-by-step. These are just a few of the very practical tips you’ll find among this week’s top curated content from around the Internet.

Leadership, management and productivity

Unlike personal debt, Kevin O’Leary believes that small business debt can be a very good thing, if properly used to advantage.

Sometimes you come to a fork in the road and you have to decide which direction your business should take. Here’s the story of one small business wrestling with that question.

Do you really know and understand what the actual APR is for any loans you have in your business? That question inspired a new product for one lender.

Colin Shaw offers ideas on how to win your customers’ trust without spending a dime.

Telecommuting and virtual teams are big and if you aren’t on board yet, you need to look over these 20 reasons you should let your employees work from home.

Ellen Miller tells the story of what a burrito taught her about customer service via social media.

Marketing and sales

Don’t let writing a call to action scare you ever again. Julie Neidlinger gives us a template and six examples to follow.

Could it be that everything we believe about marketing is wrong? Samuel Scott thinks so.

Fine tune your social media marketing with this infographic that updates the demographics of all the major social networks.

Got 10 minutes to spare? If so, you’ll be able to test some of these growth hacking tactics.

Neil Patel relates eight things required to master content marketing.

Here are the five marketing moves Toby Nwazor learned that made him a successful entrepreneur.

Gotta love checklists and this is one that will keep you writing great blog posts.

Do you use landing pages on your small business website? You should and this article will explain all the critical elements to you.

Entrepreneurship, startups and innovation

No matter what your background is, you’ll find some good stuff in this online startup guide.

Politics, government and the economy

Health insurance costs are on everyone’s mind, and in Colorado, many small business owners are lining up against the state’s proposed “ColoradoCare.”