This week in small business: Get ‘into the zone’ and take your productivity to the max!

This week’s collection of curated content reveals the connection between respect and productivity, how attention management will get you “into the zone,” and what keeps 22 successful entrepreneurs inspired to keep on keeping on!

Leadership, management, and productivity

Lynn Tesoro, Co-Founder and CEO of the HL Group is the focus on this installment of Laura Emily Dunn’s Women in Business Q&A.

Need to hook up with a WordPress developer? Matteo Duo will show you the ropes.

Victor Lipman makes some great points on the links between respect and productivity. Anyone who manages others needs to know these things.

The same old productivity strategies don’t work anymore, says Maura Thomas, so it’s time to get “into the zone” via attention management.

Marketing and sales

Ivan Ivanov gives a good run down on the important differences between driving traffic to your site via search engine optimization and social media marketing.

Ignite Visibility CEO John Lincoln goes point-by-point in this piece on how to start a social media marketing strategy.

If you have a blog, you need to see Joe Goers’ eight simple ways to improve your SEO results.

Christine Yodsukar gives us five practical social media marketing tips that will improve sales.

In her Entrepreneur article, Emily Richett explains how having just a few loyal fans can make a big difference.

Entrepreneurship, startups, and innovation

Overnight success takes a while, and Paulina Guditch makes this point very well in her Forbes article, Why You Need To Dedicate At Least Four Years To Your Startup Idea.

Need some gas in your tank? Nina Zipkin talked to 22 successful entrepreneurs to find out what inspires them to keep going.