This week in small business: Got intelligence?

Intelligence. You just can’t get enough of it. And, among this week’s nuggets of golden content from around the Internet, you’ll find some good insights on how to boost your natural intelligence and also how to take advantage of artificial intelligence.

Leadership, management, and productivity

Success is a catalyst for failure. Agree? Before you say anything, read Benjamin P. Hardy’s article, “How to go from successful to very successful (and why most people can’t do it.)

In this profile by Kandia Johnson, she relates how Jessica Smith, a business counselor at the Women’s Business Center of Northern Virginia, says that women in business can help other women break barriers.

Elle Kaplan gives us seven brain hacks (ouch!) that she says will dramatically improve our intelligence and success.

Are you failing fast enough? Daniel Newman says that the secret to digital transformation success is to fail fast in order to innovate faster.

Marketing and sales

If your social media marketing depends on clickbait, you need to read Tamar Weinberg’s article on Facebook guidance for publishers.

John Nemo discusses a new LinkedIn feature that he says might change the game for B2B marketing.

Writing for the Forbes website, R.L. Adams offers his definitive guide to affiliate marketing.

A.J. Agrawal makes a good case that artificial intelligence is changing SEO and points out the danger of falling behind. John Swanciger also checks in on the topic in “Why small business should be paying attention to artificial intelligence.”

If Khuram Zaman is right, the future is going to be fun. He says that game playing is the future of e-commerce.

Larry Alton explores an important question in his article, “Should you specialize in one online marketplace or all of them?

Entrepreneurship, startups, and innovation

Robin Bruce kicks off her three-part #IfIOnlyKnew series with, “How To Learn Entrepreneurship: Closing The Gap Between Theory and Real World Experience.” Continuing on the learning theme, Alex Krause’s “Why the Study of Entrepreneurship Improves Outcomes for Startups” is a good read.

This advice from Manar Al Hinai is incredibly sound: Do not base your entire business model on a trend. And if you catch Jay Kim’s message, you’ll understand that entrepreneurship isn’t what you think – its 100 percent about serving others.

There’s a difference between being childish and childlike, and having a childlike curiosity can inspire the entrepreneurial mindset, says Rachel Hentsch.

Brian Rashid profiles Tami Fricks who went from mom to entrepreneur and disrupted the wine industry on the way with her Sassy Bitch label.

Four successful founders share how they effectively transitioned from employee to entrepreneur in this article by Rhonesha Byng.