What are you reading? Business books to boost your success.
Today, January 23, is National Reading Day which was launched to encourage young children to read more. However, I think it’s a good time to give all of you a little nudge too. Today’s business environment is changing so rapidly that it’s nearly impossible to keep up, particularly if you aren’t exposing yourself to new ideas and thoughts. So here are a few of my recommendations to give your business a boost.
One Word: The Powerful Secret to Creating a Business and Life That Matter: A great new book authored by Evan Carmichael. Carmichael challenges you to reexamine your beliefs and the way you see the world. “Some have used the ideas in this book to build multi-billion dollar businesses. I’m going to give you the surprising simple-yet-powerful formula that they used, and you can also use, to realize your dreams,” he explains.
Keep it Simple: Unclutter your mind. Uncomplicate your life. Chosen as Forbes.com #1 pick of the Top Ten Business Books of 2016 is definite must read. Written by Joe Calloway, an expert in how to focus and simplify. Calloway explains by gaining clarity on what is truly most important, you can streamline your life, reduce stress, and achieve the personal and business results that you desire.
More Sales. Less Time. Sales guru, Jill Konrath, takes the concept of “simple” and applies it to sales to help you ramp up your game. The book is filled with fresh strategies, actionable ideas and unique experiments to help you free up 1-2 hours daily, focus on what matters and close more sales.
These are just a few of the many great business books on the market to help your success in your business. By the way, I have a new book coming in October of 2017 called THE One Percent Edge: The Key to Remaining Relevant in Today’s Changing Market. Stay tuned for more info coming soon.