Creative Video Marketing and Beyond for the Small Business
Small business owners who are really focused on emerging as leaders are leveraging video content as much as possible. And although the topic is covered all the time in spaces like this, there are a few video marketing strategies that only the most knowledgeable consider.
Those are the video marketing strategies I want to introduce you to here. And, to be honest, some of these are marketing strategies in the sense that they will help you build your brand and gain a market edge on your competitors; they aren’t all directly related to grabbing new prospects.
Let’s dive in:
Added value. All the basic video marketing tutorials will tell you to offer “how-to” or “troubleshooting” videos. It’s a great idea to post these on YouTube as well as your website to get added search engine optimization from them. However, consider adding these kinds of videos as part of your actual product or service. If you sell a physical product, include a DVD of video tutorials. If you’re in a crowded marketplace, this can set you apart from your competitors – “Includes free DVD instructional video!” You can also create “private” YouTube videos and promote access to that “exclusive” content as part of your offering.
Leverage social media influencers. Interview someone who is notable in your field and has a large following in the social media. When you post videos that feature these “stars” you’ll also get the benefit of being seen by their large followings.
Make yourself a featured speaker. In many ways, you are your small business brand. This is obvious in small local businesses and it not only impacts sales, it also has a huge influence on how you grow and how well you’re able to hire. The more you do to establish your authority, the better positioned you are for success. Knowing this, there is great value in being able to be a featured speaker at a notable event. The key is to start small and work your way up. Get yourself on the calendar to speak at a local event, perhaps for a college class (“Featured speaker at the University of Elm Hill”) or civic group. Do a good job making a video recording of the event – don’t cut corners – then take your finished video and use it to promote yourself to larger events. Be sure to video the larger events as well. Always be improving on your demo tape.
Use animation. Small animations can do a lot to make your website stickier. People will hang out longer and that gives you a greater opportunity to build your relationship. If you take a quick tour of, you’ll find many animators offering short videos for just five bucks. You can also use these kinds of videos to creatively tell a story, and in those cases they can be very powerful video marketing tools.
(For more marketing videos small businesses can create, check out this two-part series written by Michael Litt, CEO and co-founder of Vidyard.)