This week in small business: Enough 2017 SEO tips and insights to keep you busy

SEO was really on everyone’s mind last week. If you’re new to the topic, or an old hand in search of fresh insights, you’ll find what you need in this week’s collection of curated content from around the Interweb.

Leadership, management, and productivity

If you want success, you need to keep negativity out of your life. Tim Denning shares how to not allow fear to stop you from becoming phenomenal.

Want to do some binge watching? Check out these must-watch TV shows for small business owners, according to Tori Tsu.

Some grants and contests are set aside for women-owned small businesses. In this National Law Review Article, Kristen M. Veresh tells us what’s required.

Marketing and sales

In his Forbes article, Jayson DeMers asks if we are overdue for an SEO revolution. On the same topic, Thea Partridge delivers three solid strategies for improving SEO. And if you still don’t have enough SEO ideas, Joel House has five tips for you!

AJ Agrawal says that 2017 is the year of video marketing.

Marketing departments today are expected to contribute revenue, but remember – it’s not just about technology when you start making your plans, says Steve Nakata.

It may be a little late for this, but I think the principles still apply: How to Continue Your Small Business Success After the Holidays, by Rich Kahn.

Carbonite’s Chief Evangelist Norman Guadagno shares four marketing tips that are sure to help your small business grow.

Setting goals is the first step in turning the invisible into the visible. – Tony Robbins

Entrepreneurship, startups, and innovation

Writer and programmer Marco Arment published two interesting graphs on his website that might give us clues as to the future of computing.

If you want to drive your startup, you need to stay strong. Here are how 10 top entrepreneurs take care of their health.

We talk about niche marketing a lot. Sometimes it’s good to hear a success story and that’s what Dan Schawbel delivers in his profile of Derek Flanzraich.

Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you can’t begin to explore your possibilities. – Tim Fargo