This week in small business: Tips from and to entrepreneurs both young and old

I’ve been doing this for a while now and this week was the first time I ever saw entrepreneurship articles that had an “age” element to them. Young and old alike will find great nuggets of wisdom among the articles shared here.

Leadership, management, and productivity

The founder and CEO of, Troy Erstling, shares how he overcame ADHD and became a productivity “powerhouse.” And if you want even more productivity advice, check out how Brian Rashid “hacked” his sleep to become 10 times more productive.

You’ll keep your crew inspired if you go down Gabrielle Pickard-Whitehead’s list of 20 employee recognition ideas.

John Brandon makes a good point in his Inc. article when he says that confidence will be the ultimate driver of your success and shares how to make yours “rock solid.”

If you’re into e-commerce you’ll really appreciate Shoshanah Posner’s three solutions for fighting fraud.

Marketing and sales

The envelope please! Joe Escobedo delivers 12 proven tips to put you on the road to winning marketing awards.

You’ll want to soak up (and put into practice) Itai Elizur’s five self-branding tips for small biz owners.

Polarity brings loyalty (think iPhone vs Android), says Amar Hussain, in “How Marketing Psychology Can Improve Your Bottom Line.” Understand these concepts and you’ll sell more.

Nicole Rodrigues makes a strong case that “killer customer service” should be an element of your marketing mix.

Entrepreneurship, startups, and innovation

You talkin’ to me?! Jim Joseph advises us that entrepreneurs should talk less and listen more in his Entrepreneur article.

It’s smart to heed the wisdom of elders and that’s what Tyler Jones does here when he shares three pieces of advice from his grandfather, a life-long entrepreneur. Also related to age is Han Jin’s Forbes article, “When Youth Is Not Your Friend: Excelling As An Entrepreneur Despite Ageist Assumptions.”

Moms have mad skills, so it should be no surprise that Jessica Herris achieved success in with her company, Stella & Dot. Thanks to Julie Chomiak for chronicling Jessica’s story.

John Rampton discusses how to avoid taking money and losing control of your startup.

Priceline, Disney, and Johnson & Johnson are among the examples Keith Speights uses in his article, “5 Entrepreneur Ideas From Tremendously Innovative Companies.”